Thursday, November 28, 2019
Antigone Essays (2117 words) - Antigone, Civil Disobedience, Operas
Antigone After filling up your gas-guzzling SUV, you walk into the convenience store to pay for the gas and buy a soda. Reaching for the Diet Coke, your eye catches on something as a man walks past you. It is a shine, or a shimmer. Just the light bouncing off the keys, you think. You grab the soda and shut the door that is now fogged up due to the warm air. As you turn around, chaos breaks through the quiet, and everybody is leaping for the ground. Quite puzzled, you just stand there, looking at everybody, wondering what the hell is going on. And then you see it. The man that walked by you has a gun in his hands and is waving it around like a baton. Fortunately, he hasn't seen you standing due to the high shelves. He aims the gun right at the cashier. It is at this moment when you must decide whether you are brave or a coward. You have to decide whether you can do something about this situation or if you are just going to lay on the floor with everyone else. Being brave is tough. It takes a lot of courage and strength to do something that people would notice, to be an individual. Sophocles develops a character in his play ?Antigone? that is the definition of brave and courageous. Her name is Antigone. She is an individual because she stands up for what she believes is right, even though it may go against the laws created by man. Antigone's uncle, Creon, has declared that Polynices, Antigone's dead brother, may not be buried or mourned due to the fact that he fought against his home civilization. And anyone that defies this law will be punished by death. Antigone, however, firmly believes that her brother deserves the proper burial and ceremony that any soldier would receive. ? He's my brother. Yours too, in case you have forgotten. Nobody is going to be able to say I betrayed my own brother? (36). Despite the consequence of death, Antigone follows through with her beliefs and gives her brother the proper ceremony for a dead soldier. By c arrying through with her beliefs, Antigone not only shows her strength and courage, but also her commitment to her family. Family is very important to Antigone, especially since the death of her father and mother. And now that her two brothers are dead, all that is left is her sister. ?Sister, remember what happened to our father! ?Think about the fact that we're all that's left of our family? (41, 46-47). The fact that Antigone is now alone with her sister only makes her desire to honor her family even stronger. She has a very passionate spirit that cannot and will not be crushed by man's law or the consequences. Antigone posses an ability that enables her to follow her heart and that makes her a very strong and able character. You decide to be brave and courageous and to stop the gunman before he can hurt anyone. You realize how dangerous guns can be and the corollary of being shot. The thought that you could be hurt or even die from your actions crosses through you mind. But you feel as if you need to do this. Your pride tells you that you can do it, that you should do it. So you do, you try to stop the gunman. Pride can be a very powerful feeling that drives people to do things that they don't really want to do. Antigone's pride is her characteristic downfall. At the beginning of the play, she talks with her sister, Ismene, about giving their dead brother a suitable burial. Antigone asks for Ismene's help and explains to Ismene the consequences of breaking the law for burying their brother. At this point, however, Antigone doesn't fully realize the reality of the situation. Her pride is overtaking her and telling her to die with honor. Honor is the key word, as that is what Antigone thinks will come of g oing through with this act. ?I'm not afraid. If I must die, at least I won't die the worst of deaths ? a death without honor?
Sunday, November 24, 2019
J.C. Penney slashing prices on all merchandise essayEssay Writing Service
J.C. Penney slashing prices on all merchandise essayEssay Writing Service J.C. Penney slashing prices on all merchandise essay J.C. Penney slashing prices on all merchandise essayJC Penny is one of the largest retailers in the US but at the moment the company is facing the tight competition from the part of such behemoths of the industry as Target, Wal-Mart and others. In such a situation, the effective marketing strategy, accurate and adequate positioning of the company in the market and successful pricing policies are essential for the overall marketing success of JC Penny in the contemporary highly competitive environment. At the moment, the company has shifted to the traditional daily low pricing strategy that the company traditionally used in the past. This decision is apparently successful since it allows the company to clearly position itself as a low cost retailer, where customers can always find products at low price without any coupons or special discounts that will also contribute to the formation of the positive brand image to enhance the competitive position of the company in the global business environment.Background of the company and industryJC Penny is one of the largest retailers in the US. The company operated successfully focusing on the low cost segment of the market. However, rivals of the company grew stronger, especially Wal-Mart, which had started to challenge the position of the company in the market. In response to the growing pressure of competitors, JC Penny attempted to change its pricing policy offering customers coupons that allowed them to obtain discounts and buy products from JC Pennyââ¬â¢s stores at lower price. In such a way, the company attempted to breed the customer loyalty since coupons triggered the customer loyalty as customers were willing to save money and used coupons to buy products from JC Penny. In this regard, the company faced the problem of the steady deterioration of its marketing performance.However, the deterioration of the marketing performance of JC Penny was also the result of the downturn in the retail industry caused by the economic recession in the US in 2008. The economic recession has had the negative impact on the US economy, buying power of customers and their behavior. Customers preferred saving to spending. As a result, the competition between JC Penny and its major rivals has grown stronger. At the moment, the company is looking for options to enhance its competitive position as the retail industry starts to recover.Current pricing strategy of JC Pennyà à à à EconomyShift from coupons to traditional low cost daily price is the key strategy used by the company to enhance its marketing position because the economic situation is unfavorable and the company has to attract customers (Mattioli, 2012). JC Penny has decided to offer low prices instead of coupons to reach this goal.à à à à CompetitionAt the same time, the focus on low pricing strategy is determined by the policy of its rivals, which also use low pricing strategy to take the competitive advantage (DInnocenzio, 2012). H ence, the return of JC Penny to its traditional pricing strategy is effective today.Changing consumer behaviorToday, customers are looking for low price products because often they cannot afford buying expensive products. As a result, customers buy products from retailers offering the lower price. Hence, the quality often becomes secondary to the price of products and retailers that are capable to decrease the price more turn out to be in an advantageous position attracting customers.JC Pennyââ¬â¢s segmentation, positioning, and brandingà à à à JC Pennyââ¬â¢s segmentationThe company focuses on the low-cost segment of the retail market. In such a way, the company attempts to attract mass customers, who are looking for low price products. The current economic situation forces customers to buy products at possibly lower price.à à à à JC Pennyââ¬â¢s positioningThe company positions its products as available, low price products that aim at mass customers. Such positioning of the company contributes to the enhancement of its marketing position due to the higher opportunities to attract more customers. On the other hand, this strategy shifts the company to the highly competitive business environment and segment of the market (Reingold, 2012). In this regard, the company needs to back up the low pricing strategy with the focus on the quality control to ensure that its products are of a good quality that will attract more customers and increase the customer satisfaction.à à à à JC Pennyââ¬â¢s brandingThe companyââ¬â¢s branding strategy needs consistent enhancement since the company needs a stable and solid brand. Its policies should be predictable and attractive for consumers. For instance, the company should not shift from daily discounts to coupons and back. Instead, the company should conduct clear and comprehensible policy. In fact, the brand of JC Penny should evoke strong associations with low price and discounts customer s can count on, while attending companyââ¬â¢s stores.Forecast of the future pricing strategy and marketing performance of the companyà à à à Future pricing policy of JC PennyThe company is likely to stick to its traditional everyday low pricing strategy which allows the company to conduct flexible pricing policies decreasing the price of some products to accelerate their sales, when customers cannot afford buying those products at higher price, and increasing prices of products, customers are looking for and which have the high demand.à à à à JC Pennyââ¬â¢s marketing performance in the futureThe company can enhance its marketing performance in the future but the company needs to conduct the aggressive promotional campaign to enhance its brand image and evoke strong associations between low pricing strategy of the company and the customersââ¬â¢ high satisfaction.At the same time, expanding business internationally will enhance the competitive position of JC Penny, even though the company will have to confront the tight competition from the part of new rivals, such as Carrefour, Tesco and others. In such a way, the company can expand its business and enhance its competitive position through entering new markets, where JC Penny can take a leading position. For instance, the company may focus on markets of emerging economies, where the company can count on the stable growth and where the competition is not as tight as in the US or the EU, for example.ConclusionThus, JC Penny has good marketing prospects as it maintains its position as a low cost retailer operating not only in the US but also internationally. In this regard, the company should stick to its daily low pricing strategy but, at the same time, the company needs to enhance its brand image in the public eye. The enhancement of the brand of the company will contribute to the development of the customer loyalty and, thus, enhance the competitive position of JC Penny in the market.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Application Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Application Architecture - Essay Example It also presents a graphical representation of the recommended architecture before identifying any potential ethical issues that could arise in connection with the new architecture. As described, the company is a large organization and has various branches across the United States. In addition, the company also has a larger data center that each office connects to through a wide area network (WAN). Therefore, this implies that for the data management operations of the company, there is a central unit from which all other offices across the US access the companyââ¬â¢s information (Fowler, 2012). Since the company has various branches scattered across the United States and connects each one of its offices through WAN, advanced internet application architecture has to be used for the implementation of the new payroll application. This application architecture shall have four or more tiers and will seek to offer utmost functionality, flexibility and efficiency within the business organization (Li, Chen, Du, & Wang, 2008). The choice of the application architecture is based on the fact that in the contemporary society, technology has recorded advancements in the world of internet application, web development and other related technologies. Thereby, as a result of these advancements, individuals have been able to come up with new architectures that utilize the standard network communication protocols and thus also able to operate as a network based application architecture. Additionally, the architecture is perfect for the implementation in a large organization especially for payroll programs since it focuses on private data distribution over a WAN (intranet or extranet) (Cordeiro, Ranchordas, & Shishkov, 2011). Unlike the earlier versions of network based application architectures, for this architecture, the WebPages are not used as agents for data distribution. They are also used for the provision of numerous application services with the main aim of acceleration
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What does it mean to say a school is doing well Essay
What does it mean to say a school is doing well - Essay Example The awareness and importance of laws and regulations to be followed can only be developed in the early learning phases; hence, it is unjustified to ignore these important areas in the core policy making of educational systems (Eisner 2001). The rationalization of education system is the concept, which according to the research and my personal opinion, forms the basis of a powerful and knowledgeable future generation. The rationalization approach mainly focuses on the consequences of any educational activity. The future or goal oriented approach to education is simply a move towards a better learning environment and future outcomes. The use of the standard educational system cannot be classified as completely irrelevant to the future development or useless but the rationalized system obviously tends to be more fruitful. The goal oriented approach to education leads to a better system where education is seen as a ways of achieving goals. The schools need to be provided with clear under standing of what is expected of them rather than what is expected of the students in the future. The clear indication of the outcomes of the system, policies and instructions simply direct a person, an institution or a system towards a known goal. The achievement of those goals also motivates the people involved and help in maintaining the pace of achievements in the future. The rationalization approach is not a generalized assumption of achieving goals, but it rather provides a target-setting approach which helps in the measurement of the outcomes achieved (Eisner 2006). The targets in the educational system need to be realistic and measurable. However, the...Nowadays, the educational systems are criticized for the lack of coherency, completeness and measurability of the outcomes. This paper aims to support a reform in terms of educational systems and supports the rationalization of educational system to increase the credibility of the learnt concepts and their practical advantages being enjoyed by the larger society. It would revolve around the basic concepts that a school really requires so that it can be said that it is going well (Eisner 2001; Karen 2006). The educational systems are basically aimed at providing conceptual and theoretical knowledge to the students. These students are hence, equipped with theories, knowledge and power to use that knowledge. But this only what we expect of the educational environments and systems. The reality, however, is sometimes different. The lack of supervision on the students and the educational institutes give rise to newer and more complex problems. The students are often found to be guilty of breaking the rules of the school like rules on plagiarism, attendance, assignment submission, copying, bribery and so on. Those these appear to be a few general issues yet the implications of these issues are devastating. The recommendations of standardized testing and rationality should be analyzed as they do not form a part of the performance of school.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Examining whether LEED 'succeeds' in terms of promoting environmental Essay
Examining whether LEED 'succeeds' in terms of promoting environmental awareness to the public - Essay Example The non-committal pursuit of economic growth by the countries and the immense poverty in many regions has caused extensive environmental degeneration. This has given rise to the need for immediate understanding and implementation of the sustainable development processes. The increase in the human needs and the simultaneous increase in the production capacities of the countries with the help of the scarce natural resources without any concern for the productive capacity of the future have aggravated the situation. Sustainability is a vast concept that encompasses a lot of dimensions. On one hand it requires proper utilization of resources without damaging the natural reserves. On the other hand it involves improvement of the products and services available to the people. Sustainable development addresses both environmental as well as the social issues since they are interdependent of each other. Successful implementation of sustainable modes of development requires the alleviation of poverty and inequality. This dependence of the environmental issues on society and economy is a crucial feature of sustainable development.... The USGBC is a nonprofit organization. They work towards encouraging the public to adopt sustainable building practices. LEED certification has a number of purposes. Their foremost purpose is to provide a guideline in designing buildings that are more sustainable in their operation. As the name suggests, they try to identify and give recognition to the leaders who are adopting the changes towards the new paradigms of construction enterprise, aiming at a more environment conscious society. The Council intends to raise awareness among the people for green buildings, provide guidelines to highlight the latest industry practices and develop the markets for green buildings. The certificate intends to develop a competitive market for green buildings in the industry. In this way change the nature of the construction market. The certificate has been developed as a brand that is recognized and trusted by the customers. Their demand for this certificate for building homes and offices will ulti mately shape the market demand. As the customers become more and more aware of the ââ¬Ëgreenââ¬â¢ brand, the problem of addressing the issue of sustainable development will be achieved (ââ¬Å"Green Building Grant Program & Promotion of LEED Certified Building in the City of El Pasoâ⬠) The main points of emphasis of the LEED certificates are the sustainability of the sites, efficient utilization of water, energy consumption, and maintenance of the atmosphere. They also encourage the use of sustainable natural resources. A significant emphasis is given on the process of innovation and design (ââ¬Å"Green Building Grant Program & Promotion of LEED Certified Building in the City of El
Friday, November 15, 2019
Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATITVE RESEARCH METHODS What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical data. Many times those that undertake a research project often find theyare notaware of the differences between Qualitative Researchand Quantitative Research methods. Many mistakenly think the two terms can be used interchangeably. So what is the difference between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research? Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfill a given quota. Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables ââ¬â and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys ââ¬â online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations. Snap Survey Software is the ideal solution for a Quantitative Research tool where structured techniques such as large numbers of respondents and descriptive findings are required. Snap Survey Software has many robust features that will help your organization effectively gather and analyze quantitative data Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Methods The similarities and differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods can be confusing. Here is a simplified explanation. In quantitative research, you generally end up with data reduced to numbers, which are analyzed using statistics. Frequently, quantitative research is used to support or expand a theory that already exists. In qualitative research, you usually dont end up with numbers. Instead, you will describe and analyze a phenomenon using words. Sometimes, qualitative research is used to develop new theory that didnt exist before. The first thing to do in any research project is conceive, clarify and write a research question. After composing the research question, you compose a research plan, which includes the research method or methods you think would be best in answering the question. Quantitative and Qualitative Research What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical data. Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in quantitative research. Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic. Hereââ¬â¢s a more detailed point-by-point comparison between the two types of research: 1. Goal or Aim of the Research Quantitative Research on the other hand focuses more in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. Qualitative Quantitative Hypothesis Broad Narrow Description Whole picture Focused Type of Research Exploratory Conclusive 2. Usage Qualitative Research is ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter part of the research project, Quantitative Research is highly recommended. Quantitative Research provides the researcher a clearer picture of what to expect in his research compared to Qualitative Research. Qualitative Quantitative Phase Early Late 3. Data Gathering Instrument The researcher serves as the primary data gathering instrument in Qualitative Research. Here, the researcher employs various data-gathering strategies, depending upon the thrust or approach of his research. Examples of data-gathering strategies used in Qualitative Research are individual in-depth interviews, structured and non-structured interviews, focus groups, narratives, content or documentary analysis, participant observation and archival research. On the other hand, Quantitative Research makes use of tools such as questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data. 4. Type of Data The presentation of data in a Qualitative Research is in the form of words (from interviews) and images (videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a Qualitative Research what will most likely appear in your discussion are figures in the form of graphs. However, if you are conducting a Quantitative Research, what will most likely appear in your discussion are tables containing data in the form of numbers and statistics. 5. Approach Qualitative Research is primarily subjective in approach as it seeks to understand human behavior and reasons that govern such behavior. Researchers have the tendency to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter in this type of research method. In Quantitative Research, researchers tend to remain objectively separated from the subject matter. This is because Quantitative Research is objective in approach in the sense that it only seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry. Determining Which Method Should Be Used Debates have been ongoing, tackling which method is better than the other. The reason why this remains unresolved until now is that, each has its own strengths and weaknesses which actually vary depending upon the topic the researcher wants to discuss. This then leads us to the question ââ¬Å"Which method should be used?â⬠If your study aims to find out the answer to an inquiry through numerical evidence, then you should make use of the Quantitative Research. However, if in your study you wish to explain further why this particular event happened, or why this particular phenomenon is the case, then you should make use of Qualitative Research. Some studies make use of both Quantitative and Qualitative Research, letting the two complement each other. If your study aims to find out, for example, what the dominant human behavior is towards a particular object or event and at the same time aims to examine why this is the case, it is then ideal to make use of both methods.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Bharathidasan University is promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). We support electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide. Our website includes resources for librarians, faculty, students, and the general public. Topics include how to find, create, and preserve ETDs. An electronic library (colloquially referred to as a digital library) is a library in which collections are stored in electronic media formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible via computers.[1][not in citation given]The electronic content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. An electronic library is a type of information retrieval system. In the context of the DELOS, a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, and, a Coordination Action on Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices and Modelling Foundations, Digital Library researchers and practitioners and software developer produced a Digital Library Reference Model[2][3] which defines a digital library as: "A potentially virtual organisation, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long depth of time rich digital content, and offers to its targeted user communities specialised functionality on that content, of defined quality and according to comprehensive codified policies."[4] The first use of the term digital library in print may have been in a 1988 report to the Corporation for National Research Initiatives[5][not in citation given] The term digital libraries was first popularized by the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative in 1994.[6] These draw heavily on As We Ma... ...s (floppy disks for example) are emulated, bit-streams (the actual files stored in the disks) are preserved and operating systems are emulated as a virtual machine. Only where the meaning and content of digital media and information systems are well understood is migration possible, as is the case for office documents.[19][20][21] However, at least one organization, the WiderNet Project, has created an offline digital library, the eGranary, by reproducing materials on a 4 TB hard drive. Instead of a bit-stream environment, the digital library contains a built-in proxy server and search engine so the digital materials can be accessed using an Internet browser.[22] Also, the materials are not preserved for the future. The eGranary is intended for use in places or situations where Internet connectivity is very slow, non-existent, unreliable, unsuitable or too expensive. Essay -- Bharathidasan University is promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). We support electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide. Our website includes resources for librarians, faculty, students, and the general public. Topics include how to find, create, and preserve ETDs. An electronic library (colloquially referred to as a digital library) is a library in which collections are stored in electronic media formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible via computers.[1][not in citation given]The electronic content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. An electronic library is a type of information retrieval system. In the context of the DELOS, a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, and, a Coordination Action on Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices and Modelling Foundations, Digital Library researchers and practitioners and software developer produced a Digital Library Reference Model[2][3] which defines a digital library as: "A potentially virtual organisation, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long depth of time rich digital content, and offers to its targeted user communities specialised functionality on that content, of defined quality and according to comprehensive codified policies."[4] The first use of the term digital library in print may have been in a 1988 report to the Corporation for National Research Initiatives[5][not in citation given] The term digital libraries was first popularized by the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative in 1994.[6] These draw heavily on As We Ma... ...s (floppy disks for example) are emulated, bit-streams (the actual files stored in the disks) are preserved and operating systems are emulated as a virtual machine. Only where the meaning and content of digital media and information systems are well understood is migration possible, as is the case for office documents.[19][20][21] However, at least one organization, the WiderNet Project, has created an offline digital library, the eGranary, by reproducing materials on a 4 TB hard drive. Instead of a bit-stream environment, the digital library contains a built-in proxy server and search engine so the digital materials can be accessed using an Internet browser.[22] Also, the materials are not preserved for the future. The eGranary is intended for use in places or situations where Internet connectivity is very slow, non-existent, unreliable, unsuitable or too expensive.
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