Sunday, May 17, 2020

Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising Essay - 786 Words

Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising You sit down to watch one of your favorite TV shows one night and you see it, one of those perfume commercials. On the screen you see a beautiful woman walking up a flight of stairs in an elegant dress with diamonds hanging from her ears and neck. Her face is a picture of perfection, with a slight hint of a beautiful smile. Entering on the left of the screen is a man in a black tuxedo he; wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately on the lips. They both look at the screen and smile. On the bottom of the screen is a small bottle marked with a label of a recognizable perfume company. Now coming back into reality from the mesmerizing commercial, consider what affect†¦show more content†¦This commercial is controversial and unrealistic simply by the fact that no sane woman would be in any way attracted to a department store mannequin. However, these advertisements prompted many males nationwide to go out and buy Axe body products hoping to get similar results. â€Å" Ross Lovern, a 14-year-old spray user in New York City, says he and his friends decided to go to the drugstore and buy Axe after watching a commercial on MTV featuring a woman crawling all over a mannequin that had just been sprayed with the product. The ad, says Ross, made him think, ‘This is the perfect deodorant for me.’ Ross used Axe at co-ed sleep-away camp last summer and now puts it on every day â€Å"(Beatty, 2004). Even though or maybe because of, the commercial being an extreme exaggeration it created sales. The main object of this approach is that sex sells. There is no question that the use of sexual images motivates people to purchase certain items. Fragrance companies use this fact to their advantage, using attractive women in erotic settings to push fragrances that may perhaps be lagging in sales. Most companies in fact will drop a large sum of money on these commercials to create an alluring image of the perfect scent. For instance, in an article by, Stephanie Thompson (2003) she tells us â€Å"that Ralph Lauren spent roughly $15 million into a push for his fragrance blue in an effort to reach mainstream women with an updated version of its now-laggingShow MoreRelated Advertising - Selling a Lot More than Just a Product Essay2583 Words   |  11 PagesToday, advertisers use the influence of gender and sex to sell various products to consumers, resulting in unrealistic expectations of men and women to society. 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